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Birth Doula Services

Interview Process

During our initial interview we will discuss your desires for your pregnancy and birth. We will also discuss your personal situation and how you see a doula fitting into your vision. This is an excellent opportunity to see if I am a good fit for your needs and desires. There is no obligation to hire me at this time. This is your birth and your journey, so it is best to find a doula that feels right for you!

Prenatal Support

My services include 2 prenatal visits at your home (over a cup of tea) where we will work to develop your birth preferences, address any fears or concerns, and work on developing a trusting relationship. If you have a partner or additional support person they are encouraged to be present for these visits.

Prenatal Education

I strongly recommend couples to attend a childbirth education class as it will make it much easier for you to capture a lot of information at once and become a well informed decision maker about your birth.

In addition I offer free Positive Birth Movement meetings on Tuesdays from 10-11 am, you can sign up here @NURspace

I also provide you access to my library of DVD’s and books, you may borrow as many as you like/need.

Phone Support

From the time that you hire me I am available to you for phone, email, and text support during daytime hours. If you have any questions, concerns, or needs you may contact me from 9am to 5pm every day of the week. From 37 weeks until birth I am on call for you 24 hours a day. I will be available for phone calls and ready for your impending birth regardless of the time of day. On call for you also means that I don’t travel and stay within 90 mins from you.

Early Labor

Many people prefer to spend early labor at home and with their loved ones. As your doula, I can join you whenever you feel like my support is needed. I can provide helpful ideas and a supportive voice by phone/text if you prefer during this phase of labor.

Active Labor and Birth

Once you have entered active labor and are at your birthing location I will be with you throughout the entire process regardless of the length of labor. Some birth their baby within a matter of hours and others labor for several days. It is my belief that having a constant calm and supportive presence during birth is something you are entitled to. I will provide you with emotional and physical support throughout the entirety of your labor. I can provide you with massage, help in positioning, emotional support, and a supportive and encouraging presence.

Immediately After Birth

After the birth I will typically stay with you for one – two hours. I will help you with the initial breastfeeding if you choose to do so, making sure your new family is settled and comfortable, and will then leave you to bond with your newest addition.

Scheduled Cesarean Birth

If you are having a scheduled cesarean birth, a doula is still a wonderful asset to you! In the case of scheduled cesarean births I join you in the hospital and will not leave you until you are successfully nursing your baby. In the event that your baby is in the NICU, I will make sure that you have seen pictures and are settled in and resting comfortably. Babies born by cesarean sometimes face more difficulties with breastfeeding. Having a doula to support you through those first nursing sessions is a tremendous help.


I will check in with you by phone in the first few days following the birth. Then at 3-4 days  postpartum I will come to your home for the first of two postpartum visits. During these visits we can address any concerns you have regarding your birth, talk about my services and your level of satisfaction, and address any concerns about healing or breastfeeding. If you need any referrals e.g. postpartum doula support, lactation consultant, cranio-sacral therapy I can also provide those.

Packages & Fees

Please contact me to book your free interview. Or if you would like to learn more about my birth doula packages, click here!

Birth Doula 

Standard Package


Westchester, Fairfield County & surrounding areas

Birth Doula 




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doula in new york city, nyc doula, fairfield county doula
Sleeping Baby
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Birth Doula Last Minute Package

Talk with me about this package

Pricing & Fees

  • I believe that all women are entitled to the birth that they desire. Financial restraints should not keep a woman from the support she needs and wants during pregnancy and birth. Because of these beliefs I offer a sliding scale on my fees and this can be discussed during our initial interview.
  • Payment plans are available, and if finances are an issue, please feel free to discuss options with me. 
  • What is a doula?
    The word "doula" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves" and is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth; or who provides emotional and practical support during the postpartum period. Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily. A Birth Doula: Recognizes birth as a key experience the mother will remember all her life. Understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor Assists the woman in preparing for and carrying out her plans for birth. Stays with the woman throughout the labor. Provides emotional support, physical comfort measures and an objective viewpoint, as well as helping the woman get the information she needs to make informed decisions. Facilitates communication between the laboring woman, her partner and her clinical care providers. Perceives her role as nurturing and protecting the woman's memory of the birth experience Allows the woman's partner to participate at his/her comfort level.
  • What is the difference between a doula, midwife or OB/GYN?"
    First, it’s important to understand the definitions of these terms, what each profession is ultimately responsible for. Obstetrician (OB/GYN): A physician (doctor) who delivers babies, and is in the practice of obstetrics — the art and science of managing pregnancy, labor, delivery and the puerperium (the time immediately after birth). You will see your OB/GYN or members of his/her practice throughout pregnancy, although exactly who your care provider will be at delivery ultimately depends on who is on call during your labor. During labor, the obstetrician will come in and out to check on your progress and, as the definition above states, “manage” your labor. Obstetrics is also a surgical field, so in the case of a cesarean, your OB/GYN would perform the procedure. Midwife: A midwife is a trained professional with special expertise in supporting women through a healthy pregnancy and birth. Midwives also work with each woman and her family to identify unique physical, social and emotional needs. When the care required is outside of a midwife’s scope of practice or expertise, the woman is then referred to other health care providers for additional consultation or care. Midwives operate from The Midwives Model of Care, which emphasizes the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes. Midwives statistically have lower rates of interventions, and provide the mother with individualized education, counseling, prenatal care and postpartum support, as well as continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery. Midwives, like doctors, may work in a group that rotates who is on call and who will see you for your prenatal visits. Some midwives work alongside doctors in their practices, while some work individually or outside of the hospital setting. There are different types of midwives: direct entry midwifes, certified professional midwives, and certified nurse midwives. Depending on their credentials and training, some midwives work in hospitals while others solely attend home births. Labor and Delivery Nurse: Nurses in this field provide care to women who are in labor, women who have recently delivered, and women who may be having complications with labor. They also work with doctors to develop a plan that aids in the safe delivery of healthy babies. Labor Support Doula: A trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth. Some doulas also provide emotional and practical support during the postpartum period. Unless a doula has additional training, she is not a medical professional, and will not perform medical procedures on the laboring mother or deliver the baby. However, she most likely will be one of the most consistent elements of the labor experience. She does not change shifts and only deals with one client at a time. A doula will also labor with a woman at home, before the transition to a hospital or birth center is made. Now, back to the original questions: What is the difference between a doula and a midwife? As described above, the doula acts as emotional, physical and informational support for the mother. While the midwife may offer many of those same qualities, it is the midwife who will actually deliver your baby and perform necessary medical examinations throughout your pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum period. Midwives are also available to work with a woman outside of pregnancy, and can perform “well woman” yearly exams throughout a woman’s life, as well. Does my obstetrician work with my midwife? Yes, sometimes a practice has both obstetricians and midwives. But if your current OB/GYN does not work with midwives, you cannot have both as care providers. If a midwifery practice does not have an obstetrician as part of the group, there will be an outside doctor who backs up that group. Why would I choose a midwife over an obstetrician? Choosing your care provider is a very personal choice. It requires a long, hard look at the model of care you would like for your pregnancy and delivery. While both professions try to offer the best care they can to women, the path in which that support is offered differs. The model of care that midwives subscribe to reflects the idea that pregnancy and birth is a natural physiological process that should be inherently trusted, while the medical model focuses on the pathologic potential of pregnancy and birth. They both have the same desired outcome, but use different routes to get there. You should also consider the style of care you personally prefer. Midwives will tend to be more present during labor; moreover, they will be more holistically based, and allow more space for the labor to unfold naturally before moving to medical interventions. Obstetricians are not as likely to give you as much personal care and time, and may move to medical interventions more quickly. Isn’t a nurse like a doula? Many labor and delivery nurses (L & D nurses) I have worked with are wonderful, and can offer a lot of helpful advice for the laboring mom. However, I would not advise depending on your L & D nurse to provide the same comfort and assistance as a labor support doula. The L & D nurse often has several women they are monitoring at the same time, and cannot offer consistent support since they work in shifts and breaks. You may also find it appealing to choose your labor support doula, and have the opportunity to previously discuss your birthing preferences with this person. I hope that laying out this cast of characters makes it easier for you to make decisions about your birth — including the model of support you will receive, and who you would like to be present. After all, it is your birth.
  • How much does a doula cost?
    The cost of a doula varies by region, but they often range from $800 to $2,500, with the average cost around $1,200. This includes a prenatal visit, labor, delivery and a post-delivery follow-up. Some insurance companies will cover some or all of the cost of a doula, depending on your plan. Call your insurance company's benefits department to get details; usually you'll have to pay the doula first, get a receipt and then submit for reimbursement.
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